Starting small, Thinking Big
I am Siv Kumar Aale from Bhimadi, Nepal. I always wanted to be a farmer, and a business man. Also, I felt the responsibility to support my family after completion of my studies. It was a compulsion for me, though an opportunity as well. Nepal is an agricultural country with many possibilities. Therefore, in 2011 I decided to establish a goat farm, named Shrijanshil Goat Farm. Nowadays, this farm has been registered under Cottage and Small Industries Office.
In 2017, I came to Israel through Bhanumati Small Farmers Cooperatives Ltd (SFACLs) to broaden my skills in Entrepreneurship and agriculture. I spent 11 months at Ramat Negev. I learned a lot due to my previous experience in Nepal. Agricultural technology, maximum utilization and management of water, farmer-friendly research, sense of entrepreneurship to farmers are keys of successful agriculture that I saw by my own eyes in Israel.
Furthermore, I got an opportunity to visualize many things such as quality seeds, quality water, medicines, science and technology, research center. For me, the time I spent in Israel was both beneficial to my occupation, and for my personality. I got a chance to express my views and opinions about highly modernized agriculture systems of Israel to the people of my land.
My goal, after learning in Ramat Negev, was to develop my farm. Initially, I started with the investment of one hundred thousand rupees and five local gene goats, called ‘Khari’. Now, I imported he-goat of Boer gene from Africa and Australia and the farm grew tremendously. In addition to the goat farm, I planted 15,000 trees and green grass and I plan to implementation Drip irrigation technology which I learned in Israel. I also hope to Soon make my farm as a model farm of my area.
In addition to this, I am trying to cooperate with some projects to develop my Farm and Land to an Argo-Touristic project-with Rooms, dining options and tours. During the last 4 years, I had participated many agricultural seminars, Yet, The Entrepreneurship course By Mr Boaz dreyer, which I studied in Ramat Negev was probably the most helpful and meaningful for me. I learned how to make business plan and to take the right steps for being a manager and a business owner. I’m practically working according to the business plan I did in Ramat Negev. Another source of helpful Knowledge for me, Was Dairy management course with Dr. Einat Shavit, teaching about modern methods and management and conservation of Goat resources.