My name: Giang A Day
I come from: Viet Nam
I graduated the Ramat Negev Training at: 2015/2016
Today I...
when came back to Vietnam, i had a desire of applying the knowledge he had learned to produce organic vegetable products.
I spent time at the capital to study the market consumption of organic vegetable products, networked with vegetable shops,
Israeli irrigation system suppliers and standard seeds distributors in order to plan to use in my hometown.
Back home in Rung Thong, Muong Bon, Son La, i started a nursery garden of 100 m2 with many varieties:
kohlrabi, purple cabbage, Israeli turmeric Israeli cabbage, tomatoes,
and some others imported from Israel and nearly 3ha of land planting many types of vegetable.
Seeing Day as a fresh graduated student, his choice of starting with organic vegetable is truly respectable.
Not many young people now have such inspiration and new ways of doing things.
His fresh organic vegetable products will surely be well consumed by the market.
We are so proud of him.