visit of Ninh Binh's Chairman of People Council -October 14th 2018

We had the honor to host today a distinguished delegation from Vietnam, The senior members of the delegation were  Mr. Tran Hong Quang Deputy Secretary of Ninh Binh Party Committee, Chairman of Ninh Binh Provincial People's Council,  accompanied by Mr. Pham Quang Ngoc Chief of the Provincial Party Committee for Propaganda and Training
and Mr. Vu Nam Tien Director of Department of Agricultural and Rural Development and more dignitaries.

The delegation visited the training center, met the program staff and the students, and even visited one of the classrooms.
Mr. Alon Melchior, our director, took the delegates to a view point of  the Israel-Egypt border, and a farm  that grows cherry tomatoes in desert conditions.And,  the Desert Agro research center.

We are confident that successful visits such as this strengthen the program's connections with its partners, and as we always say: We believe that agriculture can connect people, can connect countries, can connect cultures.


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